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O'Dowd Student News and Muse

The Crozier

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O'Dowd Student News and Muse

The Crozier

O'Dowd Student News and Muse

The Crozier

Orelia Oiknine

Orelia Oiknine, Editor-in-Chief

Orelia Oiknine is a senior at Bishop O’Dowd, who graduated from Hillcrest Middle School. Orelia recently interned at Smart Studios, a global media outlet, and worked alongside employed journalists, reporters, videographers, and editors. In addition, she worked for a Jewish Organization called Olami as a journalist intern throughout her junior year. She wrote several stories for their website and participated in various projects. During the summer into her junior year, Orelia got selected for a New York Times Summer Academy program titled Introduction to Investigative Journalism. During this two-week intensive, Orelia learned how to effectively take notes and interview people, how to find good sources and investigate, and a tremendous amount of history in the journalism world. Ever since then, Orelia’s passion for journalism has soared. Orelia aspires to further her journalistic knowledge and hopefully be a real reporter one day. In addition, Orelia takes ballet at Berkeley City Ballet. When she is not at school or at ballet, she loves to read, walk her dog, and spend time with her friends.

All content by Orelia Oiknine