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O'Dowd Student News and Muse

The Crozier

O'Dowd Student News and Muse

The Crozier

O'Dowd Student News and Muse

The Crozier


Kiana Tam, Contributor

Kiana Tam is from Alameda, California and is a senior at Bishop O’Dowd High School. She had been interested in creative writing ever since she was a freshman and aspires to improve her passion as best as she can. Although passionate about writing, she still very much prefers to spend her weekends playing video games, rewatching The Mummy movie series, or catching up with sleep debt.

All content by Kiana Tam
The Bane of Nostalgia

The Bane of Nostalgia

Kiana Tam, Contributor
September 16, 2024
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