Bay Area Organizations Combatting Climate Change

Important Bay Area climate organizations to get involved in.


Danica Terk, Contributor

Combatting the issue of climate change has fallen on the shoulders of the younger generation, and it can be difficult to figure out how and when to get involved. Involvement can range from individual actions to joining city-wide protests and marches. A primary way to start supporting climate activism is by finding an organization you support, and where your voice will be heard.

Youth vs Apocalypse is a youth-led organization focused on creating a voice for youth activists, specifically youth activists of color. YVA has multiple campaigns within the organization, such as No Coal in Oakland, #divestCalSTRS, #CAYouth vs. Big Oil, and many more inspiring initiatives. The organization is also known for leading strikes and marches across Oakland to create change, as well as creating music videos to spread awareness. It is very easy to join one of their campaigns, organize actions, work on climate policy, and create media for the organization. Attending events or financially supporting the organization are also easy ways to support the cause.

Fossil Free California is an organization that focuses on divestment. They use public policy and a more legislative approach than YVA in order to encourage big banks such as Chase, and California organizations like CalSTRS and CalPERS to divest from fossil fuels. Similar to YVA, FFCA has different campaigns that focus on different issues in the climate world. In order to help to amplify the voice of the organization and spread its message, consider blog writing, managing social media, creating graphics, and video development and editing.

350 Bay Area is another powerful organization that works hard to support and uplift the Oakland community. The organization focuses most prominently on eliminating fossil fuels and supporting renewable energy efforts. Just like other climate justice-centered organizations, 350 Bay Area organizes marches and community meetings, as well as supports legislative efforts to eliminate oil wells, block bills that harm the climate, and encourage divestment from coal. 350 Bay Area also often uses petitions and encourages writing to local representatives to build support and unite the community.

There are many more inspirational organizations across the bay that are worth researching and getting involved in. Committing to an organization and helping support its mission is not the only way to make a change, though. Independently, you can sign petitions, email representatives, and decrease your own climate footprint by becoming aware of your consumption habits. Entering this energetic and inspired community of activists can be overwhelming and intimidating, but it’s always rewarding work and extremely necessary for the future.